Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So michelle brought Billy Boyd or aka Pippin from Lord of the Rings to Doris party.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha totally awesome.

- Carrie

Judy Chow said...

Oh man that is hilares.

Anonymous said...

total craziness

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

this is awesome. they must be long lost twins, separated at birth. good job, michelle!! LOL


Michelle said...

this is the most comments you've ever got, may yang....i'm making your blog super popular.

Michael & May said...

okay I pointed this out to you (michelle) at the bar and you were like "who's pippin"---hello the hobbit next to you.

Michelle said...

ouch!! but oh so true.

Anonymous said...

Oh it burns. I can't stop laughing and going back and forth between my comment and the picture. if only there was a way to have the picture next to my comment. It burns so much I can't type. the Comment of the Day would have to be, " okay I pointed this out to you (michelle) at the bar and you were like "who's pippin"---hello the hobbit next to you."
Man, there really is a resemblence. Uncanny!
Nice work Mich....

Michelle said...

First Pippin on Saturday night....then Frodo yesterday....I knew I was supposed to be in LOTR....can't believe they chose Liv Tyler over my asian hotness.