Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The results are in

Michael's labs
Cholesterol 210 (normal 140-199)
Triglycerides 456 (normal 0-150)

May's Labs
Cholesterol 187 ((normal 140-199)
Triglycerides 58 (normal 0-150)

Let us pray for michael....Please try not to encourage him to drink or eat fatty foods.


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Is it even possible to have three times the trigclycerides? I think he needs to just eat salads from now on. Although all he has to do is do more excercise and that would probably help with cholesterol. I think it is hard to give up drinking and meat alltogether but maybe he just needs to excercise more. That's scary.

Anonymous said...

does this mean no more bbq's? maybe we can still have them but michael can sit by himself in the corner and eat cole slaw and drink water.


Michael & May said...

YES it is actually pretty scary. And no michael cannot have cole slaw, there is too much sodium. so sad.

Anonymous said...

then maybe we should have the crazy wild sex i've been asking for...i'm pretty sure everyone would agree that it would be good for my heart....and penis. i said hollas.

robandsaki said...

ive finally got an account so i will be commenting a lot more. i agree that there should be a lot more crazy wild sex going on in chicago.

robandsaki said...

michael, stop eating all the food at lily's..........anyways me and saki have our own blog at robandsaki.blogspot.com.......write to us may.......and saki CAN see everything you guys write so be nice.