Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It is OVER!

Warning to all who are engaged or looking to get married. After you plan and plan for one whole year, after about one week it is all over with nothing to look forward to.haha. Anyways the Repulica de Dominicana was awesome thanks to our two best friends Judy and Michelle and Sunscape Resorts. First, Michael and I were like Chandler and Monica in Friends where we moved from room to room due to several mishaps with our hotel room. Second, we were all upgraded to go to a better resort adult only. Third, Michael and Michelle sang Total Eclipse of the Heart at a Karoake night in front of two hundred people. Fourth, I got fourth place out of a thirty five people poker tournament and won one hundred dollars. Fifth, Michelle was pecked by parots. Sixth, we are all swelled up with wilts from misquito bites. Note to those who are going to the DR-bring bug spray. Lastly, Michael and I got it on!


Anonymous said...

welcome back newlyweds!

Dan & Jo + 4 said...

Nicelye said! Sounds like you guys had an awesome time! Too bad we couldn't go:(

Dan & Jo + 4 said...

Oh..knot knews is Dan, Jo, and Isaac!:)
Congrats on wedding, fun honeymoon!