Monday, August 11, 2008

Party Pooper--only happens to michael

So michael was recently invited for an afternoon party at his old co-workers home, he had asked if I wanted to go and I really did not feel like it and he only knew like four people there. So Michael leaves for the party around 3:30, around 4:30 he calls me and says that he was on his way home.

Apparently his friend was not there when he arrived, so he decided to park his car near the home which also happened to be by a park as he waited for his friend. As he was reading through some costco brochures I had left in the car and police man knocks on his window. He asks michael for his drivers license and runs the info on it. He returns and tells him that a nearby party had called citing there was suspicious behavior. Michael than explained to the policeman that he was suppose to attend that party however was waiting for his friend to arrive. However after the whole problem michael told the cop it was better he leaves, because he was too embarrassed now that everyone there can see that he has been approached by the cop. The cop insisted that he could clear michael's name by going there with him to the party and explain what happened, michael decided it was simply too embarrassing and came home.


Michelle Yu said...

I have heard this story probably 7 times now, and told it myself twice, and still read the blog post and cracked up! Classic Michael.

Oscar's Mama said...

That is too funny!

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious. i've often sat in my car while waiting for something to start but i've never been mistaken for a perv before...


May Yang-Lee Photography said...

only michael

1dorislee said...

holy cow, this is fantastic. May, you should keep him away from Parks, Elementary Schools and maybe even jr. high dances in the future...he is so sketchy mcsketcherson.