Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A little update

So I know that sept has been a slow month for blogging...I will be better in OCT.

So here is a little update on life.

Michael started a new job and had the whole last week off. He called me last week while I was at work concerned that he had gotten a virus on our computer. I ask him if he was "trying anything new" on the computer and he claims he was on legit one believes him, but he firmly holds to his story. Anyways we had to reformat the computer because of it.

Last Sunday after our football game, we hung with some team members at our sponsored bar. I will admit I had a little too much to drink and probably should not have rode home on my bike. On the way home I had abruptly stopped at a light and basically toppled over and fell on my face. I chipped a tooth, which I had to get dental work for and also bruised my inner legs badly, and I also skinned the top of my nose...moral of story do not drink and bike.

My sister had her second baby last monday---Congrats for on the new baby Jed!

Carrie and Jeff had their non traditional baby shower on last sat. It was kinda anticlimactic for me because I had gotten the same gift her mom got her.

More pictures to come as I will be going to seattle to see my new nephew this weekend.

1 comment:

Judy Chow said...

OH no!! May, I just read about this. I am so sorry to hear about your biking incident. That is scary. My co-worker just had one this morning and he is pretty scraped up, no dental work that I know of. Anyway, I'll give you a call later this week when we both are back in the Chitown!