Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday Fun

So I was at church on Sunday and saw two old ladies. One was smart and the other was not, both were sleeping. How did I know one was smarter than the other. Well one wore sun glasses over her closed eyes, while the other was blatantly sleeping. Smart lady.


Anonymous said...

yeah smart, but wouldn't you notice a lady wearing sunglasses indoors??

Anonymous said...

i actually give my props to the lady withOUT the sunglasses. At least she is open and honest about her being bored during the service - whereas the other is trying to cover it up but is failing miserably (how do i know? I mean, if you could tell she was sleeping i'm pretty sure everyone else could too...)

Aria said...

haha. how are you two? can you please move into your place already & have the housewarming party ;) hope you're both doing well~